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Attendance pages and early submission of work There are 5 replies:
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Attendance pages and early submission of work Original post: Mon 11/17/2008 at 1:00 PM
Thanks Liz, for these great notes.  Re the attendance pages, no, we cannot track students' online time on Jenzabar.  I understand there's to be an upgrade at some point in the next few months that should allow instructors to track online time in the forum pages, but not all online time.  Attendance pages seem to be fairly manual from what I can make out (and I'd welcome input here from others who have used the LMS in real courses).  Notation of "attendance" is not automatically recorded at all I think (is that right?). 
Re early submission:  The injunction not to allow early submission of work was one of the comments from a participant at the Oct 18th event, and is recorded in the handout of notes from that on p. 2.  I agree with Liz, on the face of it, that encouraging students to hand in whenever they are ready prior to the final due date is a great idea, and in the training document I have strongly encouraged all faculty to require that written work be submitted in stages (pre-writing, draft, and final after at least one thorough feedback has been provided by the facilitator).  The suggestion not to allow prior submission of work:  love to hear more from others on why that would be a good teaching tool?

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Edited:Wed 6/16/2021 at 11:27 AM by guest guest
Re: Attendance pages and early submission of work Posted: Sat 12/27/2008 at 7:51 AM, in reply to Judith Renyi

I have encouraged student to hand in a draft and I then provide comments and suggestions. I have found this particularly useful in the first assignments of an on-line class. It not only develops the give and take necessary for collaborative education but it allows the students to become more comfortable with the instructor's style.

Edited:Wed 6/16/2021 at 11:19 AM by guest guest
Re: Attendance pages and early submission of work Posted: Sun 12/28/2008 at 11:44 PM, in reply to Bob Obringer
Hi Robert,
I just wanted to comment that I like your comment regarding draft initial papers.  In the past, I have usually given these first assignments a lower point value so that students get a chance to understand more fully what I am looking for without much really hurting their grade.  The idea of giving students the chance to submit a draft would be an even better alternative. 
Re: Attendance pages and early submission of work Posted: Wed 12/31/2008 at 3:41 PM, in reply to Bob Obringer
I also like the idea of a draft. Giving the students such an option without penalty is something I will use.
Re: Attendance pages and early submission of work Posted: Wed 12/31/2008 at 4:17 PM, in reply to Judith Renyi
The tracking of attendance and the interaction with grading was also a feature I thought would be desirable to support  the state 4 hr a week contact hour requirement. As they promise, " it wil  be in the next release".
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