The Online Instructors Group has moved to Epsilen!

Dear All,
I have created a new Online Faculty Group in Epsilen.  If you want an invitation to join, please just send me an email request from your Epsilen portal.  If you haven't created your Epsilen account yet, please do, using your mail account to enter.  Go to  Please note the spelling! 
I look forward to our working together in this absolutely fabulous new instructional environment.
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Please feel free to edit the attached notes to clarify, set context, or emend!
(.doc, 66K)
These are the slides used in the October 18th workshop.
(.ppt, 1055K)
Please review the attached document, then try out some of the materials new to you on your Test/Training course (you will find you have been "registered" as an instructor in one of three courses in the TT Term).  Please record your notes after trying out the new uses/approaches to the LMS on the Forum page dedicated to this topic.  Thank you for completing this work by December 31, 2008. 
(.pdf, 4162K)
This slide show reviews the basics of online pedagogy, for instructors new to online teaching.
(.ppt, 870K)